Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lenten Lagniappe!

One dictionary definition of "lagniappe" gives the example of 13 donuts. You know: a baker’s dozen. Getting an extra donut for nothing—well, er!

God has given us so many and much extras! Accordingly, Lent—remember, meaning “springtime” and “lengthen”—is a great time for thanksgiving. Rather than focusing too much on “What are you giving up for Lent?” or taking something up for Lent, I’m simply(?) trying to be more thankful.

Even that is difficult, so ultimately I’m centering my attention on God’s lagniappe to|for me|us. Jesus is enough, mind you, but there’s oh, so much more. Thanksgiving at Lent! Reminds of George Herbert’s poem, adapted:

Many things you’ve given me, Lord:
house and home and loved ones dear!

Give me one more thing: a thankful heart.
Not thankful when it pleases me, as if your blessings had spare days,
but a heart whose pulse-beat is always your praise!

I’m thankful that Lent provides built-in opportunities to be more thankful: midweek worship, devotionals, and the like. I’m especially grateful to live in south Louisiana during this season—and not only because of the Saints! Ash Wednesday services “advertised” as front-page news, Lenten food specials, and on and on and on. Lagniappe lives!

Giving up on giving up!