Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lighten(ing) up!

If the world seems dark, might it be because the Church is not sharing God's light?

Adapted from something I just read, imagine my chagrin when I sat in my car at a traffic light behind a van with a bumper sticker that read "Those who plan to consider God at the eleventh hour die at 10:30".  A little Gospel, please!

I got it just a few minutes later--thank you, God!--passing an electric reader board in front of a business which bannered the Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:24-26: "The LORD bless you and keep you..."! My next task is to write the company a thank-you note.

Yes, a little more Gospel/grace, please, Christians. Reminds of another bumper sticker: "Jesus, save us from your followers!" Well-intentioned Law-givers though we be, let's always ultimately accentuate the Gospel. As I also once read, give people whatever grace and mercy you're expecting for yourself.

Whatever, thankfully God has the last word. What may look like too late to us and for others isn't necessarily so, no? I feel lighter already!