Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Joy to the goy*!

When the church is a community of joy, [outreach] occurs as contagion. It has little to do with forcing decisions about things invisible. It is the sharing of a joy rendered visible by our joyousness. We are drawn toward faithfulness as shared joy--with one another and with the whole creation--by the intuition that union with God alone can satisfy our deepest yearning.** My new friend and colleague Ginger gave me the journal which contains these words. Not necessarily connected with such concepts as cheerfulness, enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, or even happiness, joy is a result of Jesus making us one with God.
* "goy" is a play on goyim, the Hebrew word for "nations"
** W. Paul Jones|"Joy and Religious Motivation"|Weavings|VIII:6|Nov-Dec 1993|41